SoapBox #1: Children as a Negative


Have you ever had someone say, “Oh, trust me, you’ll be begging me one day to watch her/him?” or how about “I’m sure you want a break” or even the polite “it’s just for a night/weekend. You can stand being away from him/her for a day or two.” I know these sayings are often said with love and good intentions, but they get on my last nerve. Here is a crazy concept: I like my child. I want to spend every minute I can with her, especially since I’m a working mom. I enjoy her. I get your children might have driven you crazy. I get not all people are built with a patience for children, but I am not that mom or that woman. I love kids. I’ve always chosen a profession surrounded by children. So, I don’t ever want to escape my own. Let me be clear: I am not judging you if you are the mom that wants a break. God built us all different, and I am not one to judge. I just want it made clear that I don’t WANT to ever be without her.Now, there are times that it is necessary for me to be without her: work, certain social functions, date night with the hubs, etc. However, even in those moments, although necessary, I don’t want to be without her.

I feel like our culture is slowly turning a negative side to having children. Have you read the most recent FB posts or blog articles? They are always directed at how to “survive” or “things to do before having children.” There is some good in these articles. It’s even refreshing when someone can be open and honest with you about something difficult like raising a child, but the whole experience is not a negative one. Negative is how those articles leave you feeling. I am here to tell you that having a child is one of the biggest blessings God has ever blessed me with. Is it hard sometimes? Heck yes! Do I need help a lot of the time? Yes! But I love her more than I can explain, and it gets on my last nerve to hear people talk so negatively. It also breaks my heart. I’m sorry you aren’t feeling the same overwhelming joy and love I have for my own child, and I hope you find it someday. However, in the meantime, I love my child. I love spending time with her, and no I don’t need an escape.